Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Also, in the last week, I started my next and last three images, and when I have them all drawn up, scanned in, and cleaned up, Expect a post. I might need some feedback on them and some color choice. 

Got a little behind on the posts...

Sorry, I was working on the foam carving and I really haven't had anything new and exciting come up. The carving is going well so far, and image one is printed out. Two and three are just about wrapped up and more will be coming about them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Don't Know Exactly Why... Experiment Maybe?

I know it's not some crazy breakthrough or anything, I was just messing around with flipping the image since these can really go any way or rotation and I was playing around with the forms.
Just posting some stuff I was tooling around with.

Red Image


Been working for about 4 hours at this point. I'm trying to simplify the images using color instead of completely changing the forms in the image (Although, i changed a few things, like those fingers being all morbid-ish and stuff). Also, upon reviewing the images, they're a little bit too busy to run together in a series. I'm not going to simplify them any more in form though because I like how they are and I'm not changing that any more than I already did. To deal with this, they will be a series instead of a continuous piece, each one following a different general color scheme. This first one that I finished tonight is the red image; toss up some responses if possible to let me know if you think it's an improvement or not. All three of these, however, will be coming to a close by he beginning of next week so I can move on and work on some other pieces as well. Expect a mock up after this weekend - I should have it finished by then!  

Monday, October 6, 2008

One more thing...

I did my best to get all three images to line up as far as color goes, as well as brightness and saturation. While I carve out the foam using black and white prints for the relief aspect of these pieces, if anyone has any comments or suggestions on the finished color images, I'd be happy to hear them since I won't be using them quite yet. 

Finally, 1.

And 2..

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Image 3 Finished!

Forgot to add something.

Also, I thought my original size of 24x16 would be a pretty good size, but after putting some thought into it and measuring it out, that seemed too small for an abstract image. I bumped the proportion up to 36x24, which felt like a much better size for the images. 


So... I worked on the three images all weekend so that they would be finished for monday, and as I neared the end, they seemed incomplete and sloppy. I thought I'd try a different approach towards working with scanned-in drawings at the beginning of the project, by scanning in linework, digitally painting it, and then doing the shading. Afterwards, it seems that my original method of drawing the whole thing and painting it afterwards is still the better of the two for me at least.  So  I killed all three of the images, re-drew my original linework to get rid of the colored pencil outlines on the original drawings, shaded all three and re-scanned them. It ended up being a ton of work but it paid off. I personally think the finished three look better than the originals.