Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Been working for about 4 hours at this point. I'm trying to simplify the images using color instead of completely changing the forms in the image (Although, i changed a few things, like those fingers being all morbid-ish and stuff). Also, upon reviewing the images, they're a little bit too busy to run together in a series. I'm not going to simplify them any more in form though because I like how they are and I'm not changing that any more than I already did. To deal with this, they will be a series instead of a continuous piece, each one following a different general color scheme. This first one that I finished tonight is the red image; toss up some responses if possible to let me know if you think it's an improvement or not. All three of these, however, will be coming to a close by he beginning of next week so I can move on and work on some other pieces as well. Expect a mock up after this weekend - I should have it finished by then!  

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