Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some Quick Opinions..

I posted earlier several pictures of my first series of images, and I can't quite decide which version I like better - the saturated or unsaturated version. I'm trying to push the saturation levels in different areas throughout the image to push and pull the movement more, but I was trying to start off with a better base. 

Fun With Insulation

I also began making mock-ups out of the pink insulation foam and I purchased the fiberglass and resin, and i should hopefully have a finished mock-up and some pictures up of it by Wed.


For this semester, I've decided to do the first series of three images, and a complete 3-d walkaround. As I did last semester, the prints directly onto canvas came out very well, and the colors were on the spot. Three more will be done, maybe a bit smaller than the first several series, but not much smaller.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Image 3

Image 1

Coloring and shading and so on...

Well, I ended up Doing the middle image first of the series, which is the 2nd one. The first finally has color on it, and the third is being worked into that right now. Shading to come soon, since I realize all seem kinda flat at the moment.

Friday, September 19, 2008

And a quick view into the future before it catches up to me

This series of three will be my first full project. I want to attempt a full 360Deg. walk-around with a reversed image transfered onto foam again. The other three will be all separate images with pieces of instruments molded into them. I haven't quite finished the design into how that is going to work since I need to pick up the instruments this weekend and have a little fun with metal snips and a hammer. All of the pieces in this work are physically going to have instruments in them, but it's tough to determine where actual pieces will fit until the project is finished and the pieces are acquired since I can alter the image infinitely, but the pieces, not so much. More to come on this later...

A little bit of color never hurt...

                                                                                   I added extra color to one of them and toned the other one down to look at the difference between the two and decide which one was more effective. The brighter one seemed a bit overwhelming, and the black lines divided the image too much. I made them brown and toned down the saturation a bit. This seems a bit better since there will be another layer applied on top of the Image, making it a bit darker anyways. I'm not too worried about the other two images in this series since I will be drawing from this image and using the same colors as to keep a unity in the single body of work across three images. 

Working Continued

Black and Whites are up and separated from the color images in the first series of works. They'll be shaded by hand and re-scanned in to create a greater depth in the image. Opacity should be turned down and Images lined up to create the effect. 

Friday, September 12, 2008


As I attempt to juggle the 3 different studios, I'm happy to say that my content and style has spanned across mediums and different things aren't turning up in printmaking and painting. I've expanded my view on the subject to the total abstract, more analytic in form. This week, drawings for my first computer art piece are finally coming together and getting scanned in. Digital painting is up next and all kinds of battles shall commence with the scanner as linework and crosshatching are giving me hell to add to the pieces. More to come later...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So Here's the Pitch...

Over the summer I was testing several types of formable mediums, and ended up with the Pink High-Density insulation foam. It doesn't melt or get eaten away by paints and such, and will be perfect for sculpting and transferring on to. Well, back to the sketchbook...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines....

Thus begins Senior year and Computer Art V. Just finished working some sketches out and running tests on some different moldable mediums.